Understand Relief From Severe Constipation a lot more
Relief From Severe Constipation
Constipation Relief During PregnancySevere constipation is experienced when there is inability to move your bowels and the stool is retained within for a period longer than three days. This is downright inconvenient and uncomfortable not to mention painful.
Thankfully, there are things that you can do to get some relief. What are these?
The safest way to treating irregular bowel movements is the natural way. Some of them are provided in this article.
If you notice you get constipated most of the time, perhaps it is time to change your diet. Do you prefer processed foods like pizzas, ice creams and burgers?
If so, then lessen your intake of these as they cause difficulty in defecation. Eat fiber rich foods instead like veggies and fruits. Bran, whole grain and seeds are also great sources of this essential dietary fiber.
Severe constipation can also be caused by insufficient water intake and if you take too much alcohol or coffee. An average of 2 quarts of water daily helps the colon move stool smoothly. If a person is dehydrated, the movement of the bowels is slowed down as well.
Avoid refined sugars, fried foods, white flour and cheese. These are the common causes of defecation problems as they slow down digestion when taken excessively.
Yogurt with live cultures and probiotics assist with smooth bowel movements. Regular exercise can also regulate the digestive system and make the passage of stool easier.
If needed, take a stool softener but make sure you take only mild ones. Harsh laxatives only aggravate the symptoms especially when taken in a long term basis. Instead of getting relief from severe constipation, you might end up having unnatural bowel movements which can cause even more serious problems.
Discover the effective Constipation Remedy that will cure your constipation for good but the medical industry doesn't want you to know about.
These little known secrets discovered by Matthew Helmsford have helped thousands of constipation sufferers to cure constipation without expensive prescription drugs, laxatives, or enemas. Find out how to cure constipation in 7 days by visiting Goodbye Constipation today.
Understand Constipation - How to Keep Your Bowels Moving additional
What is constipation?
Constipation is when you have a lower than average bowel movement, usually less than 3 times a week and the stools are usually small, dry and hard. If you suffer from this problem like I have done in the past you may experience various symptoms which can include feeling bloated, sluggishness and bowel movements which are quite uncomfortable.
It is the colon which is at the heart of the problem with this condition. The colon exists to remove water from waste material as it passes from the small intestine into the colon. It serves as a waste material storage place. It helps to move and expel stools from the body. Therefore, constipation can occur if the colon removes too much water causing hard and dry stools, the stool moves slower through the colon or the sufferer is unable to expel the stool even though they feel they need to.
Constipation should be treated when it occurs to reduce abdominal discomfort and other related symptoms so that complications do not occur which could lead to serious problems such as hemorrhoid or fecal impaction. Believe me, it can be very painful if you suffer from haemorrhoids and you develop constipation.
Who suffers from constipation?
Of all the gastrointestinal complaints in North America, Constipation is the most common with over 4.5 million US citizens suffering with it on a regular basis resulting in a staggering 2.5 million visits to the physician every year.
Usually most sufferers are women, especially during pregnancy and following childbirth, children and adults aged 65 and over. However, most of us will suffer from constipation occasionally during some part of our lives to some degree, although it will not be prolonged or serious enough to consult a physician and can usually be corrected by simple treatments, a high fiber diet or laxatives.
Prevention is better than cure.
So how do we avoid becoming constipated in the first place? The simple answer is diet. By putting the right foodstuffs into your mouth at one end, the right consistency of end product will come out the other end!
Although people are now more familiar with the idea of a diet containing more fiber, generally we still do not eat enough. Its not as if fiber is a rare foodstuff. The best fiber is simply fresh fruit and vegetables and certain breakfast cereals. Raw fruit and vegetables are best.
Drinking plenty of fluids can be beneficial in many ways but certainly it helps in the prevention of constipation. About 3 liters a day of water and other fluids. Avoid tea and coffee however, as these have a dehydrating effect.
Doing some form of exercise in which you may be bending or stretching can help bowel movements sufficiently to keep things 'flowing'. If YOU are not very active your bowel and internal organs will not be either.
I have personally suffered from constipation in the past but now stick to a healthy diet and go for brisk walks everyday. This has definitely made a difference to me and has improved my lifestyle.
I hope this article has been of use to you. It is not an in depth piece but an overview of the problems associated with constipation and how to avoid them.
Constipation Relief During PregnancyIf you require a more details on how to relieve the symptoms of constipation quickly go to [http://reliefforconstipationhere.com]
Stephan Hall
Constipation - How to Keep Your Bowels Moving
Understand Problems Related to Pregnancy more
Problems Related to Pregnancy
Constipation Relief During PregnancyBecoming a mother is a wonderful moment for a woman. The same can be said for men also; but for women the feelings of being pregnant and becoming a mother are inexpressible. The period of pregnancy is a very vital moment. During these nine months she has to take full care of herself and her baby. As the time passes from first month to ninth month, there are several changes that can be seen in a woman. Some changes are normal which are seen mostly in all pregnant women i.e., may be 95%. Some are serious changes. Whatever may be, but consulting good doctors and remaining under routine check up during these nine months is advisable for every pregnant women. Here are some of the fundamentals about pregnancy, which if a women knows can understand the structure of pregnancy and then consulting doctor when needed would be easier.
Some normal changes during pregnancy which can be seen especially during first two to three months in a woman can be solved in home treatment after consulting doctor. These are not very serious.
1. Morning sickness-it occurs in the morning during the first three months of pregnancy. It is a condition in which there is a vomiting tendency felt I the morning. It is not out of indigestion so food is not vomited. This vomiting is accompanied by watery fluids from the stomach. It may also result in vomiting nothing; just a tendency to vomit. It is caused by hormones released by a woman's body during pregnancy. Some special care may reduce this morning sickness.
· Care should be taken that small amount of food is always there in the stomach. Empty stomach enhances vomiting.
· Drinking plenty of fluids, preferably water because sweet drinks may generate vomiting.
· Increased intake of protein and reduce fat consumption.
· Care should be taken that there is no smell of food in the morning and the women having sound sleep and sufficient rest.
2. Heartburn-sometimes a pregnant woman may feel a sensation of burning behind the breast bone especially after eating. It is a very normal change in a pregnant woman and can be reduced by taking medicines as per doctor's instruction. Eating plenty of fluids may also reduce the heartburn.
3. Constipation-if a pregnant women does not drink sufficient fluids and fiber food then may suffer from constipation. Sometimes due to constipation medicines need to be taken to clear out the bowels. Constipation may also lead to blood discharge during bowel. It can be reduced by drinking sufficient fluids and fiber food and also by taking medicines.
4. Sleep problem-often a pregnant women may face insufficient sleep. It may be due to excitement or restlessness or hip pain. In such cases very soft care need to be taken and comfort should be provided to the women.
5. Gestational Diabetes-this type of diabetes occurs during the second half of pregnancy. Sometimes if it is very high insulin need to be taken. But nothing to be afraid of as the diabetes is temporary and can be cured by consulting doctor. Three things should be taken care of during this time.
· The food habit should be proper. Too much sweet consumption should be avoided.
· Doing exercise every day. Not very strenuous one but simple one. Can consult doctor regarding the type of exercises.
· Having a routine checkup of blood sugar levels.
6. Cold or flu can be very frequently seen a pregnant women. It is very normal and simple medicines may work. May consult doctor if needed as taking too much drugs during pregnancy is not good.
Apart from these very normal problems here are very serious problems also.
1) Bleeding in pregnancy-Bleeding during pregnancy mayor may not be serious. Bleeding before and after 20 weeks may have different implications.
* Bleeding may occur during the first three months due to
- Miscarriage
- Pregnancy in fallopian tube
- Gestational trophoblastic disease may be cancerous in which a grape like mass of foetal and placental tissue develops.
- Implantation of placenta in the uterus
- Infection
* Bleeding after 20 weeks
- Placenta is near or covers the cervical opening
- Placental abruption
- Some unknown causes.
2) Hemorrhoids-It is commonly also known as piles. It is a situation in which bleeding occurs every time that the woman goes to the toilet. It is also accompanied by pain. It actually happens because during pregnancy the pregnancy hormones relax resulting in a swollen type of thing at the back. Piles can be treated in the following ways:
· Drinking plenty of water so that the bowels become clear. Constipation may enhance the problem.
· Eating fiber food so that the food is collected in the stomach.
· Exercising
· Avoiding stress and especially standing for a long time.
· Cloth wet with water or ice bag if put on the back may give relief to the swollen part.
· Sleep with foot of the bed raised on bricks so that the lower part of the body is raised.
· Consulting doctor if they can suggest some other methods to reduce the pain and also the swollen part.
3) Anemia-sometimes a pregnant woman suffers from extreme tiredness, headache, and breathlessness. This happens normally when the women is suffering from anemia, though it is not always so. It is a condition in which the body is running short of red blood cells. As the developing baby also shares with the mother the red blood cells so there is sometimes shortness in the production. But the red blood cells increase with the increase in the month of pregnancy but what happens is that the plasma sometimes become more than the RBCs. Anemia may also happen because of the deficiency in iron. VitaminB12 or folic acids as these are very essential for the production of red blood cells. Anemia can be avoided to some extent by the following ways:
· Eating food rich in iron like leafy vegetables, cereals, breads, eggs etc.
· Eating food rich in vitamin and vitamin B12 like citrus fruits, vegetables, eggs, fish, cereals.
· Folic acid is very important to minimize the chances of anemia. It also reduces the risk of neural tube defects. Moreover as vomiting is a natural symptom at this time, folic acid will also improve the health of the mother.
· All types of vitamins and minerals are advisable. Moreover drinks like tea and coffee should be avoided as they absorb iron leaving the body deficient of iron.
4) Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia-pre-eclampsia is a condition in which the pregnant woman suffers from high blood pressure, protein in the urine and swelling in hands and legs. High blood pressure may be very risky as the delivery need to happen very fast or else either the baby or the mother can survive. Proper medical treatment at this time is very important. Because if not treated properly may lead to eclampsia. If the mother suffers from eclampsia immediate oxygen and drugs need to be given. In case of pre-eclampsia no particular treatment is there and consulting doctor is the only way out.
Normal and serious problems may happen in pregnancy but it is advisable for every pregnant woman to be very cautious. Precautions are very important. If taken proper care of then these nominal and serious problems can be avoided.
1) Sex during pregnancy-sexual urge may always be felt by both men and women. In case of pregnancy the sexual urge in women tends to reduce because of the excitement of the new born baby. So it becomes very important that both husband and wife sit together and come to a mutual understanding. But above all sex if at all done should be done only by those women in whom there is no chance of miscarriage or pre-term labor. It needs doctor's consultation. During times of sex care should be taken that the husband does not blow air into the vagina as that may block the blood vessel creating danger both for the mother and the child. Also care should be taken that the opponent is safe from any sexually transmitted diseases. At this time it is better to stick to one partner.
2) Food habits-during these nine months special care should be taken towards the food habits. Only proper cooked food should be eaten as that destroys the germs and the parasites that are there in the food. Raw vegetables, meat non-pasteurized milk should be avoided. Everything i.e. utensils and vegetables should be washed properly. Toxoplasmosis is a disease that occurs from uncooked food. Not only that the disease also spreads from faeces of cats so contact with cats should be avoided.
3) Drugs-drugs taken during pregnancy should be taken only after the advice of the doctor. Too much intake of drugs during pregnancy may harm the baby and even lead to miscarriages. Drugs taken in normal times may not be suitable during pregnancy so before taking any types of drugs consult doctor.
4) Many unwanted substances are even found around the house like cleansers, paints, and printing inks. Carpet cleaners etc. these may prove hazardous for the embryo. Moreover some chemicals like lead and mercury are very dangerous for the baby as well as the mother. Water pipeline may contain small amount of lead so water should be boiled during these nine months. We are often exposed to mercury like in fish. So the raw food should wash properly and if possible wash with lukewarm water.
5) Some dangerous rays may also be hazardous though we may not be aware of it. Ray from computer screens so a pregnant women should not sit for a very long time near the computer screen or with laptop on the lap. Also some electrical appliances like micro wave emit rays. So no one and especially pregnant women should not stand in front of micro wave. The use of electric blanket should be avoided.
Last but not the least environmental impact on pregnancy can also prove dangerous. The environment always contains harmful gases like carbon mono oxide and lead particles that are hazardous for the unborn baby. Working conditions and atmosphere may not be suitable. So every bit of care should be taken that a pregnant woman gets all the amenities in her workplace: be it at home or outside. Women are the carriers of future generation so we treat then them with full respect.
Examine When Symptoms of Constipation are Left Untreated, Bigger Health Problems May Arise more
One mistake that you no longer wish to make is to simply ignore the constipation symptoms no matter how often the problem occurs or disappears. Of course, there are many factors that may lead to problems with short term cases of constipation which is perhaps why the problem is extremely common and so rarely treated by a doctor. When the signs and symptoms do not intensify and normal bowel movements return within a few days, there are certainly no long term health issues caused by the constipation.
There are times when the bowel functioning don't normalize and the signs and symptoms persist for many days without lessening. A long term problems with constipation pain is a serious medical concern because it may lead to the accumulation of toxic products in the colon and along the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Future bowel movements will surely compact this waste along the walls where it will harden and dry. Compacted feces along the intestinal walls make it easier for parasites like hook worms to cling to the lining of the intestines. And in time, these parasites would become a drain upon your body and may weaken your immune system's ability to repel bacteria.
Listed below are some medical problems that can occur when waste and undigested food are allowed to accumulate in the colon system and intestines:
* Diverticulitis. This condition is very severe for our overall health because it causes herniated pockets to develop in the colon system. Literally, these pockets store toxic waste and thus are potential sources for long term toxic damage including cancer. The accumulation of compacted waste and undigested foods make the entire colon system more toxic and lead to a number of health problems like colon cancer, and even the development of polyps.
* Candidasis. This is yeast infection growing out of control within your intestinal tract. Normally, symptoms are caused by a weakened immune system and include: Chronic or severe fatigue and general loss of energy, even during midday; Diarrhea; Indigestion; Constipation; Severe constipation abdominal pain; Gastritis; Skin problems like acne and rashes; lastly, Mucus in stool.
* Septicemia. In cases of protracted fecal impaction and the resulting inability to pass stool, bacteria and harmful toxins will be absorbed into your blood stream. These harmful substances will surely cause cell damage to several systems. Now if the bacteria are permitted to accumulate for a prolonged period or if the immune system weakens by other causes, a condition known as septicemia may develop and this is little more than a massive infection raging in your body, in fact it can lead to death if not treated immediately with antibiotic or other antimicrobial treatments.
Obviously no one can avoid constipation forever. Even using enemas, suppositories, and laxatives will only alleviate short term case of constipation. You can help prevent pesky constipation problems, however, by eating fiber-rich food and helping your gastrointestinal system to function more effectively. Drinking adequate amount of fluid, exercise and eating the daily recommended amount of fiber will certainly help keep the stool soft and bowel movements regular. However, if constipation prevention fails, do not ignore symptoms of constipation because there may be severe consequences to your long term health when you do.
Constipation Relief During PregnancyLooking to find the best treatment for constipation symptoms, then visit http://www.newcolonsweep.com to find the best advice and information on all cases of constipation.
When Symptoms of Constipation are Left Untreated, Bigger Health Problems May Arise
Constipation Relief During PregnancyExamine Colon Cleanse For Constipation Relief - How Does Colon Cleanse Help Relive Constipation? more
Colon being a crucial body part plays a vital role in the digestion of the food, we eat at regular intervals. It plays the role just like a sewer system in the house: It distributes the energy released from the food to various body parts. It also aids in the formation of the solid waste and its proper removal from the body. Now the free radicals that enter our body with various resources like food, water, air, etc, form toxins in the body. These toxins block the colon and then this part of the body starts malfunctioning. As a result we feel tired, fatigue and lethargic due to improper flow of energy in the body.
This malfunctioning also blocks the passage of solid wastes formed. Besides, it leads to the accumulation of undigested food in the crevices of the intestines. Together, this blocked waste, toxins and solid waste blocks the body system and we feel a blockage in the bowel movements. That is known as constipation.
Colon cleansing refers to the cleansing of these cluttered toxins from the colon. It removes the wastes & the undigested food from the intestines and lubricates these walls again. As a result, the digestion process gains pace & regularity. Then of course, we get proper bowel movements, eventually getting rid of constipation.
Also colon cleansing gives us the energy to keep going for the day to day activities and the workout as well. This way we become physically more active. This yields in the regularity in the bowel movements, that gain helps curing constipation.
Further, with the digestion system in tact and enhanced energy,we land up with controlled appetite,thereby getting rid of obesity. That in return leads to the healthy digestion system, thereby maintaining a perfect health and curing constipation permanently.
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Colon Cleanse For Constipation Relief - How Does Colon Cleanse Help Relive Constipation?
Examine External Hemorrhoid Treatment - Get Rid of External Hemorrhoids more
External Hemorrhoid Treatment - Get Rid of External Hemorrhoids
Constipation Relief During PregnancyYou certainly understand how uncomfortable and painful external hemorrhoid can be if you have ever suffered from one. There are people that continually suffer from the serious condition. Fortunately there are External Hemorrhoid Treatments available in different forms. If you suffer from hemorrhoids, the only thing that you think about is finding relief from them. They cause problems with everyday activities like walking and sitting down. It is very hard to live a quality lifestyle if you are bothered by external hemorrhoids.
If you have been thinking about External Hemorrhoid Treatment, then you need to know that you have a variety of options to choose from. Hemorrhoids home treatment is actually the more intelligent option due to it's convenience and affordability. Why go out and spend your hard earned dollars on more expensive and unnatural treatments that do not work?
One of the most affordable, painless, and fast acting natural on the market that is perfect to use as an External Hemorrhoid Treatment is petroleum jelly. It is possible to pick up a jar of petroleum jelly for about $2.00. Petroleum jelly is available at most discount stores, grocery stores, and pharmacies.
External hemorrhoids will always develop directly outside of the rectum. They will be very sensitive and irritated. These hemorrhoids are caused when too much stress or pressure is put on the veins in the anal area. Applying petroleum jelly to the area will help to relieve the symptoms. This method of treatment is simple to apply and will quickly relieve most of the discomfort. Depending on the severity of the hemorrhoids, the petroleum jelly may have to be applied frequently. There is nothing preventing application of the jelly as often as needed.
Another effective External Hemorrhoid Treatment is phenylephrine, or Preparation H. This ointment is applied externally and will constrict the blood vessels and reduce the irritation and selling that is present. If the swelling and irritation can be relieved, there is a very good chance of getting rid of the hemorrhoids entirely. This ointment will require frequent applications to completely get rid of the condition. There is no exact dosage, just apply as often as needed depending on the severity of the hemorrhoids.
If you are looking for more External Hemorrhoid Treatment options, you should consider making some changes to your lifestyle. Wearing underwear that is made of soft cotton will ease some of the redness, irritation, and swelling. You may even want to think about what is causing the hemorrhoids in the first place. Some of the more common causes are a strong cough, lifting heavy objects, long bouts of sitting or standing, and constipation. Changes in hormones and constipation during pregnancy are often responsible for women being prone to external hemorrhoids.
It is best to use a natural External Hemorrhoid Treatment because of the effectiveness, as well as the lack of financial demand involved. Surgical procedures are sometimes considered, however, most are not necessary and should be avoided. Other natural methods need to be considered before anything else because there is most likely something out there that will work to get rid of them quicker and faster, without breaking the bank.
Once the hemorrhoids have vanished and the irritation and pain have departed, it is a good idea to take some measures to prevent them from recurring. It helps to eat high fiber foods to reduce the chance of constipation and drink plenty of water. If constipation is a problem, stool softeners can be used if necessary.
People that have to sit at a desk for hours at a time should find the time to stretch every few hours. Take a walk during your breaks in order to balance some of the strain that is being placed on the body. On the other hand, if it is necessary to stand for hours at a time, sitting down frequently is recommended. Avoid eating foods like cheese, or those that are high in sugar and low in fiber. These foods will slow down the digestive system and can cause constipation.
In summary, External Hemorrhoid Treatment done the natural way is the simplest and most effective option. You might be surprised at how many more hemorrhoids home treatment options that you can find to eliminate your hemorrhoids. External Hemorrhoid Treatment in most cases should be relatively cheap. In the end, you will be glad that you saved your money for other things besides surgeries and expensive doctor's visits. Understanding the cause of your external hemorrhoids will make things a lot easier in the long run as well. Just know that there are dozens of natural options out there that work, you just need to take the time to find one that works well for you.
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Read Constipation Home Remedies and Natural Cures That Work extra
Constipation is a condition related to the passing of hard stool, difficulty or straining while passing stool, infrequent stools and a feeling of incomplete evacuation or emptying of bowel. Constipation is characterized by fecal impaction which is a condition in which stool hardens in the rectum, blocking completely the passage way. Constipation can also occur as a part of IBS or irritable bowel syndrome. Normally bowel movement decreases with age, and is limited to 21 times a week. When this rate falls to less than three bowel movements per week, the condition is recognized as constipation medically. In case of severe constipation, the patient moves bowel only one time per week.
Constipation causes the level of toxins to rise in the blood stream, and in the long run may lead to diseases like appendicitis, rheumatism, arthritis, high blood pressure, cataract and even cancer. Slow passage of digesting food through any part of intestine is the prominent cause of constipation. Also suppressing urge to defecate frequently, taking a diet with low fiber content, insufficient intake of water, lack of physical activity, insufficient chewing, abdominal muscle weakness due to sedentary habits, over use of laxatives, hormonal imbalances may lead to constipation.
1. Abdominal pain2. Infrequent and irregular stool passage3. Rectal bleeding4. Cramps5. Nausea6. Vomiting7. Coated tongue8. Foul breath9. Mouth ulcers10. Acidity11. Insomnia12. Depression13. Feeling of fullness in abdomen14. Headache15. Dizziness16. Loss of appetite17. Dark circles under eyes18. pimples19. Sudden loss of weight
Constipation Home Remedies
Following are some of the effective and useful natural remedies to cure constipation.
1. Regular consumption of bael fruit for two or three months is an excellent remedy for treating constipation. Bael is a natural laxative that effectively cleanses and tones up the intestine, and also eliminates accumulated faecal matter from the body.
2. The organic acid, cellulose and sugar content in grapes make it an effective laxative for overcoming constipation.
3. Papaya and figs and dry figs soaked in water over night may be consumed to get relief from constipation.
Hope this article will help you in understanding the causes and symptoms of constipation and how to cure it naturally.
Copyright © Ryan Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.
Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article.
Read more useful Home Remedies for Constipation. Also know effective Home Remedies for Asthma.
Constipation Home Remedies and Natural Cures That Work
Constipation ReliefRead Effective Home Remedy For Piles more
Piles are caused primarily due to constipation or other bowel disorders that strain the veins in the rectum causing an inflammation. Home remedies for piles usually target the constipation. Sometimes piles can also occur during pregnancy or due to obesity. There are many treatments, but many people are hesitant to try them as they are not sure if they work and do not want to prolong their suffering. However, there are some home remedies that are very effective and they are easy to try as they use fruits, vegetables or natural herbs that add dietary fiber and reduce constipation.
Dried figs
A popular home remedy for piles is soaking dried figs in water and consuming the figs as well as the water twice a day, in the morning and evening. The tiny seeds in the figs help in increasing peristaltic movement in the intestines and reduce constipation that is one of the primary causes of piles. Usually, taking this mixture for a period of three to four weeks continuously can bring relief from piles.
White Radish
White Radish is used as a home remedy for piles in several forms. A common treatment is to grate radish, mix it with a spoonful of honey and consume this twice daily. Another popular remedy is to drink the juice of white radish mixed with a pinch of salt. Another treatment for relieving pain and inflammation is the direct application of white radish paste on the inflamed area.
Wheat grass
Using wheat grass juice for enema is a popular home remedy for piles. The treatment involves an initial enema with lukewarm water followed by an enema with wheat grass juice after twenty minutes. Wheat grass juice detoxifies the walls of the rectum and helps heal the piles. Ideally, the wheat grass juice should be retained in the rectum for at least fifteen minutes for the detoxification to be effective.
Bitter gourd
Another common home remedy for piles is the use of bitter gourd leaves. Around two to three spoons of the juice from the leaves of the bitter gourd plant are mixed in butter milk and consumed. Having this drink every morning can help in curing the person from piles. Besides this, a paste made from the leaves can also be applied directly on to the piles to provide relief from pain and to reduce inflammation.
These are some of the home remedies of hemorrhoids that are popular. But honestly, not all home remedies for piles [http://cure-hemorrhoids-now.net] are effective. If you want to find out which are the most effective home treatments and which one you should try out, make sure you check out [http://cure-hemorrhoids-now.net]
Effective Home Remedy For Piles
Constipation Relief During PregnancyUnderstand Hemorrhoid Relief The Natural Way far more
Hemorrhoid Relief The Natural Way
Constipation Relief During PregnancyHemorrhoids are a very painful condition for millions of people around the world which helps to explain why there is such an interest in how to get rid of hemorrhoids and in any products which promise effective hemorrhoid relief. Probably the most common occurrences of this painful condition involve cases of hemorrhoids during pregnancy and amongst the elderly and obese individuals.
The symptoms of hemorrhoids are not difficult to recognize, especially in cases of external hemorrhoids when the veins within the anal region become swollen and very tender. This may soon lead to bleeding caused by rubbing or straining of the swollen tissue along with pain and itching. Internal hemorrhoids are less painful, do not actually protrude out of the anal opening, and may only be noticed through the appearance of blood in stool, inside of the toilet or on the toilet paper.
Hemorrhoid relief is most effective when it addresses the causes of the problem. Most cases of hemorrhoids are due to constipation or the inability to have a normal bowel movement without abnormal straining. It is this straining that puts enormous pressure on the blood vessels within the rectum causing them to swell and sometimes burst. So a very simple natural form of hemorrhoid relief is to eat foods rich in fiber to help reduce constipation by keeping the stool soft so it moves easily through the rectum and anal canal without major straining.
Eating fiber to help with the relief of hemorrhoids is not difficult since it is found in many common foods such as whole grains, vegetables and fruits including pears, tomatoes, raspberries, barley, legumes and beans. If you want to ensure that you are getting enough fiber for hemorrhoid relief you can also take fiber supplements, especially ones made from psyllium husks. These husks actually aid in hemorrhoid relief by forming a gel within the colin that helps to add bulk to the feces and makes it softer and easier to move along. It is important to remember to drink lots of water if relying on fiber supplements for hemorrhoid relief to avoid fiber constipation problems.
Yet another natural form of relief comes in the form of plant pigments called flavonoids. These are very high in antioxidants which are known to reduce inflammation of tissue as well as strengthening blood vessels which offers hemorrhoid relief in a different way than eating fiber does.
Flavonoids also provide additional relief from hemorrhoids through their ability to reduce the severity of itching and bleeding. A flavonoid called diosmin, found in most citrus fruit, is regarded as the most beneficial flavonoid to people with a hemorrhoid problem.
People plagued with external hemorrhoids often find the herb Witch Hazel to be an effective hemorrhoid relief remedy. Simply apply the Witch Hazel right onto the affected regions daily. The hemorrhoid relief comes from the fact that this herb is a strong anti-inflammatory and an astringent, plus there is mounting evidence to indicate it also may strengthen veins. In fact this herb is the main ingredient in many commercially made hemorrhoid relief products.
Another herb that may be used for natural hemorrhoid relief is called Horse Chestnut extract. Recent studies indicate that Horse Chestnut reduces many of the symptoms of hemorrhoids by increasing blood flow, strengthening veins and surrounding tissue as well as reducing swelling and redness of affected tissue. Don't expect overnight hemorrhoid relief from taking Horse Chestnut extract as most research indicates up to six weeks for the benefits to be noticed.
Clearly hemorrhoid relief based on natural ingredients is certainly a viable option that must be seriously considered when evaluating how to get rid of hemorrhoids.
Are you suffering from hemorrhoids? Are you looking for information on bleeding hemorrhoids treatment? Besides being a really "pain in the butt" (no pun intended) having hemorrhoids is not something that most of us really want to have a discussion about. We all want to know how to get rid of hemorrhoids, but often have no idea where to look for information. Well that is about to change! Help yourself and learn to deal with hemorrhoids by clicking either of the links above.
Examine Why Constipation Causes Weight Gain more
Why Constipation Causes Weight Gain
Constipation ReliefIn a way, it might be said that Constipation causes perceived weight gain. What that means is that you can carry as much as 30 lbs. of impacted feces, which, of course, shows on the scale and on your gut. But, it isn't weight gain in the classic sense. In other words, it isn't fat or muscle. It is feces, undigested food, mucous and other debris.
Theoretically, if you could have a 30-lb bowel movement, the excess weight would be gone, but that is unlikely.
The most important thing to learn is that the condition of being severely impacted is dangerous and unhealthy. Sometimes surgical intervention is required. It is best to handle constipation before it gets out of control.
If you have gone one week without a bowel movement, it isn't too soon to address your condition. You are Constipated! At this early stage, it can be handled by a change in diet and some natural supplements.
Eat healthy foods. You will lose weight and eliminate constipation. Don't worry about the amount of food you are eating. But, try to make consistently better choices for yourself. Even if you are stuck with friends at a fast food restaurant, order the salad.
For a while, eliminate wheat, sugar and dairy. That means no bread, cheese, or ice cream/milk for a while. These foods are very hard on your digestive system and cause constipation and weight gain. Instead, eat lots of salads and small amounts of chicken or fish. Use healthy dressings with no sugar added. No pasta, potatoes, white rice, or pizza-just for a little while. You can have a small amount of brown rice at dinner.
Take a tablespoon of psyllium in water or juice morning and evening before bed. Metamucil is a psyllium product. You can find other brands at your health food store. Make sure they are pure psyllium with no additives.
Drink your allotment of water. That would be at least eight glasses a day. Water is great for flushing toxins from the cells of your body. Additionally, it will help you stay hydrated and begin to loosen impacted feces.
Walking is a great way to get the system moving. Walk a mile five times a week. If you have some free weights, lift those while you watch TV. I use a small trampoline and 8-lb. weights. It's an easy way to get in my daily exercise.
Take a supplement designed specifically to support the colon. It is a great constipation remedy. I have a free trial offer at the end of this article. These all-natural herbal supplements are perfect for constipation relief. They clean you out and sooth the entire digestive system.
It is said that if your intestines are healthy, your whole system is healthy!
By: Christine Strong, NMD
Free Trial. Get Relief Now: [http://www.Colon-Rescue.com].
Study Benefits of Exercising During Pregnancy far more
The choices that you make each day while you are pregnant can affect your health as well as the health of your baby. The benefits of exercising during pregnancy are many, and is well worth your time. If you are active now, do not let pregnancy slow you down. If you have not been active, now is a good time to start. Exercise can help prepare your body for labor and delivery. It will give you a head start in getting back in shape after the baby is born. Some exercises can even help you relieve pregnancy-related aches and pains. It is important to choose an exercise program that is safe for you, and always remember to talk to your doctor to make sure you don't have any limitations.
Most any form of exercise is safe if it is done with caution and in moderation. Make sure and start your work out routine with slow low impact exercises such as walking, cycling or swimming. Be sure to wear the correct shoes for your sport and wear a good sports bra that fits well to support your growing breasts. Drink plenty of water, keep a bottle of water close by, if you feel you are getting too hot, or feeling thirsty, take a break and drink more water. Make sure and begin your workout with stretching and warming up for 5 minutes to prevent muscle strain. Slow walking or riding a stationary bike are good warm ups. Get up slowly after lying or sitting, this will keep you from feeling dizzy or fainting. Once you are standing, walk in place for a few minutes.
Follow intense exercise with cooling down for 5-10 minutes. Slow your pace down little at a time and end your workout by stretching gently. Don't stretch too far though, as this can injure the tissue that connects your joints. By following a simple workout routine, you will start to feel the benefits of exercising during pregnancy. Some of the things you will notice are: increase in energy, relief in constipation, leg cramps, bloating and swelling. Exercising will lift your spirits, help you relax and improve your posture, and that is not to mention promote muscle tone and stamina, control gestational diabetes and improve sleep. With all the benefits of exercising during pregnancy, and choosing to live a healthy life style for you and your baby, doesn't it make sense to get started now?
Constipation Relief During PregnancyPaula Snyder is mom, business owner and author.
Did you know 90% of what pregnant women fear, can be eliminated by simply keeping themselves informed? Learn not only about the benefits of exercising during pregnancy, but everything you need to know to lead a healthy lifestyle for you and your baby in my complete pregnancy report.
Benefits of Exercising During Pregnancy
Understand Cavity Relief, Constipation Cure: Probiotics additional
Probiotics and Cavities - What You Need to Know
Here are some key points to understand why probiotics protect your teeth
* Plaque is made up of many different kinds of bacteria - you know that a dentist always tries to remove plaque, but did you know that what we think of as "plaque" is actually a variety of oral bacteria that adhere to our teeth and gums? This "biofilm" is a community of bacteria that serve different roles and rely on each other to survive.
* Plaque isn't necessarily bad - much of dental research has focused on particular bacterial strains in plaque like Streptococcus mutans that produce acid which cause cavities. But if this same strain is present with an alkaline producing bacteria, then it doesn't cause cavities because its effects are cancelled out. Plaque is only bad when it is out of balance from a bacterial standpoint.
* Kill 'em all does not work - Western medicine often advocates the use of antibiotics anytime a patient has a bacterial infection. While antibiotics do provide short term relief, constipation and other negative side effects often result because killing all the bacteria in the intestines (beneficial and harmful) leaves the body open to colonization by harmful microbes and causes constipation. Laxatives can barely help this form of constipation because they don't contain the probiotics the intestines need to function properly.
The link between cavity relief & constipation cures
The same principle of "Kill em all" applies to your teeth. When dentists remove all the plaque from your teeth, they eliminate helpful bacteria as well. Often, pathogenic bacteria are the first to move in and your teeth may end up being worse off than they were before. This is where cutting edge probiotic treatments are coming into play.
In recent studies, researchers have found that when probiotics like Lactobacillus rhamuosus were taken by kindergarten children, a reduction in cavities occurred. Other research has shown that certain probiotics seem to reduce the amount of Streptococcus mutans (the acid producing bacteria) present in plaque while not hurting other part of the plaque biofilm. Think of the probiotic as a targeted smart bomb that only fights the harmful bacteria instead of wiping out everything living in your mouth.
This research is making it clear that the biofilm in our mouth isn't much different than the bacteria in our gut. To effectively treat issues present in either area requires precision. Probiotics offer this precision. In numerous studies of patients needing constipation relief, constipation was cured by a probiotic supplement that helped feed the colon's beneficial cells instead of killing them.
Constipation ReliefJust like with plaque, chronic constipation is best cured not with a one-time laxative or antibiotic, but with the introduction of organisms that will keep the gut in balance over the long-term. Humans have been relying on this intricate balance since the beginning of the species and it is time we harness its power in our medicine.
Nydia Fieldcroft is an avid consumer and researcher of natural products. She used her passion for supplements to cure her chronic constipation and insomnia. She currently works in the natural products industry.
Cavity Relief, Constipation Cure: Probiotics
Constipation ReliefRead Constipation Symptoms Can Be Caused By Many Factors more
Constipation Fundamentals
Constipation is very bothersome condition and it can be rather embarrassing for the sufferer. Nevertheless, most of us have experienced it at some point of our lives.
Even though it can affect individuals in both genders, it is somewhat more common among women. The reason for this is that a woman's body has to go through several changes during her life, such as pregnancy and menopause.
When bowel movements become difficult or less frequent this is known as constipation. One of the most common gastrointestinal ailments is chronic constipation which no one wants to experience.
Common Causes of Constipation
When you are constipated, your bowel doesn't function the way it should. Constipation is rarely caused by some structural issues. Here are the most typical causes of constipation:
- The lack of fiber and water in your diet
- Too much dairy products like cheese and milk
- Psychological reasons, such as stress, eating disorder, and depression. Irritable bowel syndrome and pregnancy can also be the culprits of constipation.
- Long periods of sitting
- Lack of exercise or mobility
- Ignoring the urge of having a bowel movement
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson's disease
- Antacids that contain calcium and/or aluminum
- Antidepressants, iron pills, pain medicines
There are some typical constipation symptoms. Naturally, the most obvious one is difficulties to pass stool. Other symptoms include abdominal pain, swollen abdomen, and vomiting. Even though laxatives can be a quick solution to get relief from constipation, they should be used only as the last option. Frequent use of laxatives can cause loosening of the rectum which can cause more serious problems in the long run.
Dealing with Constipation Problems
People are using millions of dollars every year to laxatives in order to get relief from their constipation. However, if you want to obtain permanent results you should use natural constipation remedies. The easiest way to avoid constipation is to make sure that you drink enough water and follow healthy, high-fiber diet.
An infant may become constipated crying frequently due to pain in their tummy. A few things you may try are:
- If your baby is over two months old you can give him or her two or three ounces of fruit juice twice a day. For example, apple or grape juice often helps.
- If the baby is over 4 months old and is eating solid foods, try baby foods with a high-fiber content such as peaches, pears, plums, peas, beans, and prunes.
Every person's bowel movement in a day is different from the next. If it has been longer than three days without a bowel movement the stool becomes harder and more difficult to pass, which may then become an obstruction and more painful.
Other Constipation Causes
Intestinal obstructions with the normal functions of the bowel may occur in the following ways:
- Joining of tissues and inflamed adhesions
- A wedged gallstones
- Hernia in the abdomen
- Lead poisoning
Older adults are more likely to have constipation due to a poor diet and insufficient intake of fluids, lack of exercise, side effects of prescription drugs used to treat other conditions, poor bowel habits, and the use of enemas and laxatives.
Constipation Relief During PregnancyVisit Home-Remedies-for-Constipation.net to read more about constipation symptoms. You will also find great information regarding home remedies for constipation.
Constipation Symptoms Can Be Caused By Many Factors
Constipation Relief During PregnancyUnderstand Constipation Hemorrhoids - How to Get Permanent Relief Naturally & Fast additional
The types of hemorrhoids that people usually form are constipation hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are caused by too much pressure being placed on the pelvic and anus areas. This can be caused by straining to make a bowl movement. Often constipation causes straining. If you have hemorrhoids, the best way to treatment is to treat the symptom(s) causing them.
The best way to treat constipation is to treat it naturally. This can be done by eating fruit and vegetables, whole grains, and bran products. Avoid drinking sodas and caffeinated beverages. Try to not eat processed food and other junk food. Drink plenty of water. Maintain a healthy exercise routine.
After determining the cause of the hemorrhoids and taking the measures to correct the problem, you will still be left with the hemorrhoids. To make them heal quickly, try using natural remedies that will work safely and efficiently. Some of those natural cures are: Witch Hazel, Aloe Vera, Sitz baths, Butcher's Broom, Horse Chestnut, Venapro, and H Miracle. Many of these work just as well if not better than over the counter or prescribed medicated treatments. Not only are natural treatments safer and often more effective, they are also usually cheaper and can be used for a wide variety of ailments.
Do not use expansive treatments that can contain harmful chemicals to treat hemorrhoids.
First determine the source of the hemorrhoids, treat the root problem, and then heal the hemorrhoids naturally. With Constipation hemorrhoids, treatment can be effective, harmless and permanent using natural products.
I suffered from painful and embarrassing hemorrhoids for 12 months. Then I discovered the secret to being permanently hemorrhoid free and got rid of them in just 4 days. I have created an all natural hemorrhoid cure treatment plan which is guaranteed to work. Learn how my shocking hemorrhoid story and how I finally got rid of it at http://www.HowICuredHemorrhoids.com and be finally free of your hemorrhoids in just 48 hours.
Constipation Hemorrhoids - How to Get Permanent Relief Naturally & Fast
Constipation Relief During PregnancyStudy End Constipation Problem Completely more
End Constipation Problem Completely
Constipation Relief During PregnancyIf you're troubled by chronic constipation, you'd probably know how very difficult it's to get a constipation cure in over-the-counter medications. You will seldom find a constipation remedy and if you see one, in most cases, it is only able to minimize the symptoms. Nearly all constipation treatment does not really treat the underlying cause to remedy the condition on a more lasting basis. Just after a short time, it will reoccur until later your whole body gets immune to such type of medication and will no longer take action or improve your condition.
It's very important that all wastes in our body are taken out on a consistent basis to prevent build-up. Accumulation of waste materials is deadly and can lead to more serious complications within our digestive and excretory system. Hence constipation should not be put aside. Neither should we let our body to take it. It's strongly recommended that to have a healthier life, constipation ought to be treated permanently.
In an effort to cease the recurrence of the constipation problem, it is advised to find out the ways to get rid of constipation completely. Knowing what is happening on in your body that is inducing the digestive problem in the to begin with is vital to complete remedy of constipation. A few of the chief source of chronic constipation involves your nutritional intake and your activity levels. Consuming lots of fast food and not having a lot of exercise make the person susceptible to constipation problems. So if you want to use a total constipation treatment, you'll have to change some of the basic habits which you'll find not advantageous for a healthy system.
Lifestyle modification however is not enough to make sure that your digestive system will run on a more regular tract. You will need to address the problem at multiple levels. You may need to consider some constipation remedy to aid your digestive system function better as you are endeavoring to improve your diet. Each body is built differently so we have different response to medications. What works well with the other might not help you. Hence, we all may have to try several different ones in order to discover which one works well with you.
Looking through articles and searching online can aid you obtain the very best cure for constipation which brings lasting outcomes. There are quite a few reliable articles online that may give you suggestions which will make a complete recovery from your constipation problem. Try to look for consumer reviews with regards to the product and investigate its rating. It will give you a solid idea of how helpful that particular treatment is.
Troubled by constipation? Cannot find the best constipation cure? Know that the best constipation remedy is simply a combination of regular exercise, dietary and lifestyle modifications.
Read An Overview - On Causes of Fecal Incontinence much more
An Overview - On Causes of Fecal Incontinence
Constipation Relief During PregnancyFecal incontinence will require you to use adult diapers and other incontinence supplies to help you maintain your dignity. If you do not want others to know that you are suffering from this condition you need to use these products to discreetly hide it. What causes fecal incontinence and how long will you suffer from this embarrassing condition? What type of treatments is available to help you deal with fecal incontinence?
Fecal incontinence occurs when your intestines involuntarily release stool, gas, or liquid. It is important to meet with your doctor to discuss your symptoms of fecal incontinence so they can rule out any links to possible conditions like Crohn's disease. It is also important to meet with them so they can perform tests and rule out if you need surgery or if they would like to break up some of the stool to help it pass easier if you have dealt with constipation and you are now dealing with a lot of diarrhea. When you are unable to control when your body releases stool, you could be dealing with a very embarrassing problem. Thank goodness for all the different incontinence supplies that are on the market as the can prevent others from knowing that you have this condition as you can easily hide it with the underwear.
Both males and females can deal with fecal incontinence though there is a greater report of women saying they are dealing with it compared to men. Studies being done may indicate that way a woman's body is made as the reason for fecal incontinence. Some women that are pregnant will deal with it as the body commonly deals with constipation during pregnancy and can lead to a breakdown of the intestines and muscles after childbirth. This can lead you to have bowel leakage and it can be highly embarrassing. Wearing adult diapers during pregnancy and after childbirth can help you to maintain your dignity. It will allow you to hide your condition from others and can make it easier on you to feel protected when you are out.
Speaking to your doctor about fecal incontinence is one of the best things you can do. Since many people with incontinence problems feel embarrassed about their condition, it can be hard to treat. Talking to your doctor can help you to overcome your anxiety about the problem and to know that you are not alone. Learning more about fecal incontinence will also help you to know what your options are and it can be much easier for you to feel that there is going to be relief or hope from fecal incontinence someday.
Others will not be able to detect your diaper and it can help you to finally find relief from incontinence problems. The big issue with fecal incontinence is not only that you have to worry about it when you are out but you may be worried about the smell as others could detect it. Buying quality adult diapers like the Abena brand will prevent others from smelling the odor that can be released with fecal incontinence as it includes special PH chemicals and other things to help neutralize the smell.
Constipation and diarrhea are two common bowel problems that can be frustrating to deal with. If you are dealing with them and you see a lot of anal leakage that occurs because of them you need to seek out medical treatment immediately.
Dianna Malkowski is a Board Certified Physician Assistant and Mayo Clinic trained nutritionist specializing in diabetes, cancer, wound healing, therapeutic diets and nutrition support. Also good at guiding right Incontinence products. Visit the Care Giver Partnership for more info on Incontinence supplies.
Examine Benefits of Exercising During Pregnancy far more
Benefits of Exercising During Pregnancy
Constipation Relief During PregnancyThe choices that you make each day while you are pregnant can affect your health as well as the health of your baby. The benefits of exercising during pregnancy are many, and is well worth your time. If you are active now, do not let pregnancy slow you down. If you have not been active, now is a good time to start. Exercise can help prepare your body for labor and delivery. It will give you a head start in getting back in shape after the baby is born. Some exercises can even help you relieve pregnancy-related aches and pains. It is important to choose an exercise program that is safe for you, and always remember to talk to your doctor to make sure you don't have any limitations.
Most any form of exercise is safe if it is done with caution and in moderation. Make sure and start your work out routine with slow low impact exercises such as walking, cycling or swimming. Be sure to wear the correct shoes for your sport and wear a good sports bra that fits well to support your growing breasts. Drink plenty of water, keep a bottle of water close by, if you feel you are getting too hot, or feeling thirsty, take a break and drink more water. Make sure and begin your workout with stretching and warming up for 5 minutes to prevent muscle strain. Slow walking or riding a stationary bike are good warm ups. Get up slowly after lying or sitting, this will keep you from feeling dizzy or fainting. Once you are standing, walk in place for a few minutes.
Follow intense exercise with cooling down for 5-10 minutes. Slow your pace down little at a time and end your workout by stretching gently. Don't stretch too far though, as this can injure the tissue that connects your joints. By following a simple workout routine, you will start to feel the benefits of exercising during pregnancy. Some of the things you will notice are: increase in energy, relief in constipation, leg cramps, bloating and swelling. Exercising will lift your spirits, help you relax and improve your posture, and that is not to mention promote muscle tone and stamina, control gestational diabetes and improve sleep. With all the benefits of exercising during pregnancy, and choosing to live a healthy life style for you and your baby, doesn't it make sense to get started now?
Paula Snyder is mom, business owner and author.
Did you know 90% of what pregnant women fear, can be eliminated by simply keeping themselves informed? Learn not only about the benefits of exercising during pregnancy, but everything you need to know to lead a healthy lifestyle for you and your baby in my complete pregnancy report.